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While cats and dogs might not be the first thing that comes to mind when picturing a pet family, it is certainly possible for cats and dogs to coexist peacefully in the same household.
Amongst cat breeds, ragdolls are particularly known for their even temperament and friendliness, which begs the question, are ragdoll cats good with dogs? Yes! they are.
Today we’ll be talking about the pros and cons of introducing your Ragdoll kitty to a newly adopted pup so that together they can form an unbreakable bond!
Why Do Some People Prefer Not to Have Cats and Dogs Together?
In some cases, cats and dogs simply don’t get along. This could be due to a variety of factors such as the size of pets or the dominance of one animal over another.
It is also possible that due to either past experiences or lack thereof, one or both pets lack proper socialization training, which can lead them to act aggressively toward each other.
Additionally, having too many pets in a single household may cause tension between them all since there will be limited resources available.
Is It Natural for a Cat and a Dog to Coexist?
The truth is that cats and dogs do have their differences; however, these differences don’t necessarily mean that they cannot live peacefully together.
In fact, ragdoll cats make excellent companion animals because they are usually friendly towards other pets including dogs. This type of breed is typically laid-back which makes them ideal candidates for living in households with multiple pets.
Ragdoll cats go well with everything, almost to a fault but you really need to ask is your dog nice enough for a cat.
A Ragdoll owner shared his experience while answering the similar question at Quora
Why Do Ragdoll Cats Get Along With Dogs So Well?
When it comes to cats, most people automatically assume that they are aloof and independent. However, this isn’t necessarily the case with all cats. Take the Ragdoll cat breed, for example. These friendly felines often act more like dogs than cats in that they are social, relaxed, and even enjoy playing fetch.
1. Sociability
Ragdoll cats are known for being incredibly social and affectionate animals. They love spending time with their owners and usually go out of their way to make sure you know it. This personality trait lends itself to getting along well with other animals in the home including dogs.

In fact, many Ragdolls have been known to follow their canine friends around the house and even play fetch together with their favorite toys!
2. Puppy Cats
Ragdoll cats also often act like dogs, that’s why they are also known as “Puppy Cats.” They enjoy playing fetch and can be a loyal companion like dogs
This endearing trait is one of the main reasons why these furry friends blend so seamlessly into households that already include a canine companion.
3. Calm and Relaxed Personality
Another reason why Ragdolls get along so well with dogs is that they tend to be calm and relaxed animals overall.
This makes them less prone to startle easily or become over-excited when playing, a definite plus if your dog is also laid back.
Furthermore, because these cats don’t typically mind being held or petted by humans, they can be an ideal pets for families who want a cuddly companion.
4. Size
Lastly, another factor that contributes to Ragdolls getting along so well with dogs is that they are larger than most cat breeds in both size and weight. This means they can stand up better against canine companions if necessary while still not provoking too much aggression from them either.
Plus, since larger cats require more caloric intake (and thus more food), having a big appetite can help keep your pup’s tummy full as well!
Best Dog Breed for Ragdoll Cat
If you’re a proud owner of a ragdoll cat, you may be wondering what type of dog breed is best suited to live with one. After all, it’s important to pick the right pup for your furry family member.
That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you determine which canine companion would make the perfect match for your ragdoll cat!
1. Beagle
Beagles are gentle and friendly dogs that often get along well with cats. They are known as pack animals, which means they need plenty of attention and affection from their humans. Beagles love to explore and can be quite energetic, so they won’t tire out easily with an energetic ragdoll around.
2. Basset Hound
Basset Hounds are loyal and calm dogs that don’t bark much. They generally get along well with cats but may chase them if given an opportunity (which is why you should always supervise playtime). Bassets have short legs but long bodies, making them both goofy-looking yet absolutely adorable, just like your ragdoll kitty!
3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavaliers are small yet very active dogs that love being around people, especially their human families! They tend to do well around cats because they enjoy playing with them just as much as humans do. As an added bonus, these dogs don’t shed much at all so there will be less fur floating around your home thanks to this pup/kitty duo!
4. Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are very friendly and loyal pups that get along well with cats and other pets. They’re also extremely intelligent, meaning they can be trained quickly and easily. These pups love nothing more than spending time with their family members including cats.
5. Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retrievers are incredibly popular due to their sweet disposition and easygoing nature. They’re incredibly smart pups who love to play and cuddle. Labs also happen to be very tolerant of cats, making them an ideal choice for households with both pets in it.
6. Pug
Pugs are small but mighty dogs who come loaded with personality. They’re great companions who love spending time with their families, including your feline friend. Pugs tend to get along well with cats since they aren’t territorial.
7. Irish Wolfhound
Despite their massive stature, Irish Wolfhounds are surprisingly docile when it comes to interacting with cats. In fact, many owners report that their wolfhound gets along quite well with its feline friend.
Pros and Cons of Keeping Ragdoll Cats and Dogs Together
Keeping a ragdoll cat and dog in the same house can be tricky but it can also be a rewarding experience. Let’s look at some of the positives and negatives associated with keeping a ragdoll cat with a dog in the same home.
Benefits of Keeping Them Together
There are many advantages to keeping Ragdoll cats and dogs together, so let’s take a closer look.
1. Benefits for the Pets
- Ragdolls tend to be very friendly cats, so they may enjoy being around other animals, including dogs.
- A good relationship between these two animals could even lead to fewer behavioral issues down the line.
- They won’t get lonely when their humans aren’t around, because they will have each other to play with.
- This companionship can help them feel more secure since they now have someone to turn to in times of distress.
- Having another animal around encourages them to stay active and engaged with their surroundings.
2. Benefits for Owners
- It’s just nice having multiple furry friends around. It can be fun watching them interact with each other. You may even find yourself enjoying double the cuddles when you come home after being away all day.
- It’s much easier to leave two pets alone while you go out than it is to leave your Ragdoll cat alone at home. This means you don’t have to worry about your pets feeling lonely or anxious when you go away for long periods of time.
- Having both animals living together can help cut down on costs since you won’t need to purchase multiple items.
Drawbacks of Keeping Them Together
There are some drawbacks when it comes to keeping cats and dogs in the same household.
1. Potential Safety Hazards
Although it is possible for cats and dogs to get along, it is important to remember that both animals have their own instincts and natural behaviors that can lead to dangerous situations for both pets and people.
Dogs, for example, have the potential to chase cats around the house or even cause physical harm if they are not properly trained or supervised.
Cats may also exhibit aggressive behavior when they feel threatened and could scratch or bite an unsuspecting dog if they become overwhelmed by its presence.
2. Environmental Considerations
Another thing to consider is how these two animals will impact each other’s environment. Dogs require more space than cats do, so if you’re living in a small apartment or house, having both pets can be difficult as there won’t be enough room for them both to roam freely without feeling restricted or cramped.
Additionally, cats are natural climbers whereas dogs typically stay on the ground; this can make it difficult for them to share the same space without feeling restricted or uncomfortable due to lack of space.
3. Behavioral Differences
Cats and dogs also have very different behaviors that can make getting along difficult at times.
Cats tend to be more solitary creatures while dogs are social, this means that cats may not appreciate having a dog constantly trying to interact with them while the dog could become frustrated by being constantly ignored by its feline friend.
Additionally, cats are usually much quieter than most breeds of dogs meaning they may not enjoy hearing constant barking throughout the day which could lead them to lash out in frustration at their canine companion.
4. Different Diet Requirements
Another potential problem when keeping cats and dogs together is that they require different diets which can make feeding them separately difficult depending on how picky each pet is about their food preferences. It may be necessary for you to feed each pet at different times if one prefers wet food while the other prefers dry food.
Introducing a Ragdoll Cat to a Dog: A Step-by-Step Guide
Here are some tips on how to safely introduce your ragdoll cat to your dog.
Step 1: Get the Right Equipment
Before introducing your pet, make sure you have all the necessary supplies to ensure both pet’s safety and comfort.
This includes items like soft blankets or towels for both the cat and dog, as well as food dishes that are far enough away from each other so that neither animal feels threatened by the proximity of the other’s food dish.
It also helps to have a few toys for each animal so that they can become accustomed to each other’s presence without feeling intimidated or threatened.
Step 2: Start Slowly
Introducing a ragdoll cat and a dog should never be rushed. You want to take it one step at a time in order to ensure that both animals feel comfortable with each other before getting too close together.
To start, keep them separated in different rooms but allow them both access to the same space so they can become familiar with each other’s scent.
Letting them sniff around the same area is also helpful in building familiarity between both pets.
Step 3: Create Positive Experiences
Once both pets seem comfortable being in close proximity to one another, begin creating positive experiences between them by rewarding your pets with treats when they interact nicely with one another.
Providing rewards like treats or toys will help reinforce good behavior, while also making it enjoyable for them to get used to being around one another.
If either pet begins acting out aggressively towards one another, stop immediately and separate them until they calm down before continuing with the introduction process again.
Important Tips to help your Ragdoll Cat adapt to a New Dog
Introducing a new pet into your home can be difficult, but with some patience and consideration, it is possible to make sure both pets feel welcomed and secure. Here are 10 tips that will help ease the transition process:
1. Be Cautious: For the first several weeks, be cautious of both pets since anything can go wrong. Avoid leaving them unattended until they have had time to get used to each other.
2. Don’t Yell at Either Pet: It is important never to yell at any of the pets no matter how frustrated or upset you may become with their behavior.
3. Take It Slow: Don’t hurry through the procedure; allow plenty of time for the pets to get used to each other before expecting them to behave as if they have known each other forever.
4. Praise Positive Behavior: Whenever either pet shows positive signs of acceptance towards one another, provide praise and rewards in order for them to associate positive feelings with each other’s presence.
5. Provide Toys: A variety of fun toys is essential in helping both cats and dogs interact with each other in a healthy way without either feeling threatened by the other’s presence.
6. Watch out for Destructive Behavior: Do not underestimate the destructive power of a dog on a cat, especially if it has been cooped up in a cage or small room all day long. Both pets should always be monitored when together for signs of aggression or fear toward one another so that action can be taken if necessary.
7. Keep Regular Visits Alive: Never leave both pets alone for more than a month; always make sure you offer the same amount of love and devotion to your partner as well as your new canine friend, Schedule regular visits between one another so that neither pet feels neglected or forgotten about by their owner.
8. Allow Time To Investigate Each Other: Before making any decisions on whether or not two animals are going to live together happily, allow both pets some time alone together so that they can investigate one another without getting interrupted by their owners or anyone else who might be present during this initial meeting period!
9. Repeat Steps Until You’re Pleased With Results: Once both animals have gotten comfortable being around one another, repeat each step until you’re pleased with the results before moving on to something else such as introducing toys into the mix. This way, you will know that your pet is truly ready for further interactions with its new companion.
10. Offer Equal Love & Devotion To Both Pets: It is important never to forget about either pet when introducing a second into your home; offer equal amounts of love and devotion as well as treats and attention so that neither animal feels excluded from family life.
Many people think that Ragdoll cats are a good choice for those who want to keep both dogs and cats. There are several reasons why they get along so well with dogs, including their easygoing personalities and the fact that they are not as prone to scratch or bite. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to keeping these two animals together, such as the risk of disease transmission and the need for more space. If you do decide to adopt a Ragdoll cat and already have a dog, be sure to follow our step-by-step guide for introducing them so that everyone can enjoy a happy life together.